About Jeff Yastine

About Jeff Yastine

Yup, that's me - 1994, in Havana, Cuba, as a proverbial "globe trotting correspondent and news anchor" for PBS' Nightly Business Report.

Little did I know I was also at the beginning of my own journey from business journalist and market observer...
...to independent investor and market participant.

In the early 1990s when I joined NBR as a reporter and substitute anchor, the program (which went off the air in 2020) had a nightly viewership of more than 1 million households a night.

links to Facebook video page

Along the way I collected more awards from the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA). I was even nominated for National Business Emmy Award, where my competitors were reporting teams from CNN, Fox, CNBC and the major TV networks

I was fortunate to be able to toss questions, either in press conferences, satellite talks, or in-person "sit down" interviews, at the likes of Warren Buffett, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, Steve Case, Sumner Redstone.

I learned even more from spending hours in phone calls with legions of Wall Street strategists and analysts - people like Ed Yardeni, Bob Doll, Bill Gross, Bob Stovall, Sam Stovall, and many others - who shared their detailed knowledge and market lore.

But I soon found myself as passionate about identifying winning stocks as the people I was interviewing in my financial news stories.

Publishing the goodBUYreport

I want to do it right...

I want subscribers to invest and trade the way I do...with a focus on risk management (minimizing losses) and stock opportunities...

I want all of us to meet our financial goals for creating a better life for ourselves and our families...

My journey to publishing the goodBUYreport began in 2010, when I felt I was ready to go my own way and depart Nightly Business Report, and take the path of being an independent private investor while learning the ropes of the financial publishing industry.

Soon enough, I found myself routinely being interviewed for my insights, for example on Fox Business...

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And on Cheddar Finance...

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On Yahoo! Finance's stock market streaming program...

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And on TD Ameritrade's streaming program as well:

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I've been quoted or interviewed in Barron's, Marketwatch, Bloomberg Radio, Forbes, Fortune, NewsmaxTV and elsewhere:

And even by Dr. Drew on the Dr. Drew radio talk show!

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Click here to watch any of my media appearances posted on the goodBUYreport's Facebook page, from 2020 and earlier.

I want all of us to meet our financial goals for creating a better life for ourselves and our families...

That's what the goodBUYreport is all about.

Best of Good Buys,
